Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My favorite Mayan words

Today I completed the second half of my Tsotsil mid-term. In honor of this milestone of study, I offer the following linguistic gems:

*Chinab tak'in - computer - translates as "metal brain"
*Chonbolom - animal - translates as "serpent jaguar"
*Cha'vinik - 40 - translates as "two men" (Mayan numbers follow a base 20 system. According to my professor, this has to do with the number of finger/toes a person has for counting. Therefore, multiples of 20 are multiples of men. 40 = 2 men, 60 = 3 men, 80 = 4 men, etc.)
*Chib k'onton - I am sad. - translates as "my heart is in two"
*Jun k'onton- I am happy. - translates as "my heart is one (whole)"
*Kaxlanvaj - Bread - translates as "Spanish tortilla"


  1. Oops! Life would be confusing if the word for 60 were the same as the word for 80.

  2. Awwww I love these. Especially happy/sad. And spanish tortilla, ha.

  3. Awwww I love these. Especially happy/sad. And spanish tortilla, ha.
